Thursday, July 23, 2009

1st Work Day

Everyone slept well last night. After breakfast we headed to Larco Church where we cleard land for the new sanctuary. It was a day of shovels. pick axes, sledge hammers, buckets, dirt, rock, wheel barrows. The team did very well. We had a massive lunch and then went back to work for about an hour. This afternoon we played soccer with a medical team and some of the Larco youth group. Relationally speaking we are on our way - learning names, working and playing with some of the church members. So, the beginning of the trip has been great. Please continue to pray for us - that we would remember names and look for ways to serve.

The team has connected very well with each other and everyone is doing very well.


  1. Tell Ben Shull we had the $1.50 Happy Hour at Memphis Pizza tonight. Mom, Dad and Lowell

  2. The Yarbrough family is praying for all of you!

  3. Maggie- Loved your email! I'm so excited for you all. Had to break out the Kleenex again! God is so faithful to meet us wherever we are: you serving in Peru & me thinking of you in Peru! (p.s.You could probably be #1 in Peru G18s!)
    Neely-Loved your post! Does "your friend" know the blogsite?should I tell "them"? So hard to believe TwinA & TwinB are old enough to be spreading the Gospel globally. Sending my prayers, support & love. Always, Bernice
